Simple Shipping Labels Pro for WooCommerce

A WordPress extension plugin for WooCommerce.

Generate an HTML page of shipping labels (for single or multiple selected orders) and print on any continuous feed label printer (usually a thermal printer). Add store return address or branding and use custom CSS settings field for label styling.


  • The download link you receive in your invoice expires in 7 days.
  • Label styling requires basic CSS/HTML knowledge.
  • Follow WordPress plugin installation and update best practices:
    1) Backup your website.
    2) Install, activate and test the plugin in a staging environment.
    3) Copy plugin settings.
    4) Uninstall old version if present.
    5) Install and activate the plugin in production environment.
    6) Update plugin settings.
  • Properly setup the label printer and paper size in your operating system.
    Use the page print dialogue window (Ctrl+P) advanced settings to remove default headers/footers/margins.
    Note: keep the Background graphics option checked, because Chrome considers any element CSS background-color property as a background graphic. Otherwise you’ll see the element with a default background color in print dialogue.
  • This plugin developed and tested for use with Google Chrome browser.
    In case of unexpected behavior – fill the contact/support form below or contact directly via Facebook Messenger.


Change log:

  • 1.0.7 – 2024-02-05
    Fix: Refactored code base to support WooCommerce HPOS (“High Performance Order Storage”), based on the official Upgrade Recipe Book.
    Feature: Switched CSS font size units from pixels (px) to milimeters (mm), for label settings units uniformity (e.g., label size).
    Feature: Added default & max font size settings, with an option to disable text auto-fit.
  • 1.0.6 – 2023-04-07
    Fix: Handle some label generation PHP exceptions on server – output the error on generated labels page.
    Feature: Displaying elegant icon in browser tab of the generated labels page.
    Feature: Added shipping and payment methods fields under order items table.
    Feature: Added corresponding shipping and payment methods CSS classes to each label, for additional conditional styling, like hiding/displaying fields based on shipping/payment methods.
  • 1.0.5 – 2022-03-03
    Fix: Keep using recipient billing phone if shipping phone field is empty (until WooCommerce duplicates the billing phone to shipping, just as other fields, or themes expose the shipping phone field once “Ship to a different address?” checkbox is checked, showing the shipping address form)
  • 1.0.4 – 2022-03-01
    Breaking fix/feature: recipient shipping phone field data now comes from a dedicated order shipping phone field, which was added in WooCommerce 5.6 release in August 2021
    Feature: New recipient details layout – postal code before city
    Feature: Order id is now received via get_order_number() function, to support Custom Order Numbers and other similar plugins
    Feature: Split settings page sections into separate tabs
    Feature: Print label button in order details page
    Feature: Added link to settings page from plugins page
    Feature: Order Items table (SKU, name, quantity, weight, value and total)
    Feature: Added local/international label class name as a discriminator to distinguish between internal/external destinations styles – use it for conditional styling or hiding custom divs.
    Feature: Custom CSS editor converted to CodeMirror editor, same as the native WordPress site customiztion Additional CSS editor.
    Feature: Customer order note
    Feature: Footer custom message
  • 1.0.3 – 2021-05-17
    Fix: settings page script and style enqueue ‘undefined index’ error notification
  • 1.0.2 – 2021-04-02
    Fix: Destination postal code moved after state, in accordance with international addressing requirements
    Fix: Enabled order id field editing
    Feature: Setting to show/hide order company field
    Feature: Setting to show/hide order phone field
    Feature: Setting to display order state abbreviation or full name
    Feature: Setting to show/hide order total (some local shipping carriers require this info)
    Feature: Setting to select destination details layout (useful for larger labels)
    Feature: Setting to auto-open print dialogue when label page is generated
  • 1.0.1 – 2020-12-12
    Fix: Updated text auto-fit function to handle pasting formatted text as plain text
  • 1.0.0 – 2020-09-05
    Initial Public Release